Taparia Tools Ltd Unlisted Share


Taparia Tools, a company established in 1965, has its corporate headquarters in Mumbai, India. In India, it focuses mostly on the manufacturing and trade of hand tools. The company sells a variety of tools, including adjustable spanners, mini pliers, screwdriver bits and sets, tool sets, sockets, socket accessories, torque wrenches, hammers, clamps, wheel spanners, chisels, punches, magnetic products, cutters, hacksaw blades, gear pullers, allen keys and sets, tool trolleys, spirit levels, and non-sparking tools. The corporation has two expansion facilities: one in Goa and the other in Nashik. The factory is situated on 42832 square metres of land. There is just one roof that houses all the manufacturing units needed to produce hand tools. The business has fully assimilated the Swedish collaborator's production technique. The plant contains a fully functional Quality Control Dept and laboratory for rigorous and ongoing testing of raw resources right through to the final finished products, in addition to the production facilities. Through more than 800 distributors, Taparia Tools sells its goods under the Taparia brand name. In addition to the UK, US, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Dubai, Norway, Finland, Israel, Kuwait, Kenya, Hong Kong, Thailand, Mexico, Argentina, and Sri Lanka, it also exports its goods to these countries.

Taparia Tools Limited's Unlisted Share Price are updated on our website on a daily basis, to stay updated with the share price you can visit our website every two days or register with us to get daily updates on WhatsApp.

Taparia Tools Ltd FAQ's

Yes trading in unlisted shares is undoubtedly legal in India. The trading takes place in the over-the-counter market through various platforms like www.pmsnstocks.com.

No, SEBI does not regulate the unlisted share market but certain rules and regulations of SEBI are applicable in the unlisted market space as well, such as, the DP charges for each transaction, stamp duty, lock-in period and more.

Over the years the minimum ticket size for investment has dropped as more and more people have started investing in the Unlisted market. Currently, the minimum ticket size for Taparia Tools Ltd is between 30K to 50K.

You can check daily share prices of companies on our website or register with us using your phone number where you will get daily whatsapp updates on company news and other essential informations.

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